Monday, June 2, 2008

NGO Funding Agencies

NGO Funding Agencies

Applicable Region: all member states
Additional Information: UNESCO maintains a variety of relations with NGOs, including women's organizations. Funding is not guaranteed once a relationship is established, and funding is intended to supplement the NGO's permanent sources of funding. The Directives outline the benefits of a partnership with UNESCO, as well as UNESCO's expectations for NGO partners, and specific procedures for applying for a relationship with UNESCO. The Directives do not list contact information, which is available from the main UNESCO site.
Languages: English and French

Applicable Region: UN Member States
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Additional Information: The UNIFEM Trust Fund supports women's initiatives that address violence against women through awareness campaigns, capacity-building measures, and training. The Trust Fund is not accepting applications, but applicants are encouraged to check back with the site periodically for updates.

World Bank
Applicable Region: All
Additional Information: The World Bank provides several types of funding for NGOs. However, small grants are the main form of World Bank Aid to NGOs. They are administered through each World Bank country office. Small grants provide support for, "activities related to civic engagement for the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable groups." Application Procedures are available online.
Languages:English, French, Romanian, Russian


KIOS Region: Developing countries
The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights KIOS works to promote human rights in developing countries by granting funding to human rights projects. KIOS provides financial support to local civil society organisations that work for the promotion and protection of human rights in their own countries and regions. Our aim is to especially support the promotion of the human rights of the most disadvantaged groups of the societies. In Finland , KIOS aims at increasing the knowledge of Finnish civil society on the human rights situation in developing countries.

KIOS is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-governmental foundation. The foundation was established in September 1998 by eleven Finnish NGOs working with human rights and development issues. The founder organisations are represented in the KIOS Executive Board, which is the supreme organ of KIOS and makes the final funding decisions.
KIOS receives financial support for its activities from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Typical projects funded by KIOS include:
Human rights awareness raising and education
Human rights campaigning, lobbying and advocacy
Human rights monitoring and documentation
Providing legal aid
Capacity building
The thematic focus of KIOS funding is:
Democratic Rights
Gender Equality
Right to Education
Geographically KIOS focuses its support primarily to:
Eastern Africa
South Asia

KIOS holds an open invitation for applicants. Local civil society organisations in developing countries are eligible for funding. Funding is granted upon applications, which are accepted throughout the year. Application forms and guides are available at KIOS website.
Languages: English, Spanish, French

OSI Network Women's Program
Applicable Region: Central and Eastern Europe, Central Eurasia; Russia, Ukraine and Belaurs; South Eastern Europe
Additional Information: The program does not fund projects directly, rather, it funds projects through specific programs and country offices. Organizations seeking grants are told to contact the OSI program coordinator in their home country.Grant seekers are also directed towards a list of grantgiving organizations.
Languages: English

Soros Foundation
Applicable Region: Central and Eastern Europe; Central Eurasia; Russia, Ukraine and Belaurs; South Eastern Europe
Additional Information: Go to the "Grants, Fellowships, and Scholarships" page, then follow a four-step process to determine whether there are any grant initiatives in your region and for your program type. If so, the fifth step will offer detailed information about the grant, and contact information for specific grant proposal inquiries. Grant seekers can also send grant inquiry to a designated contact person, who will mail the grant seeker an application if the organization is accepting applications at that time.
Languages: English
Government Funding

Canadian International Development Agency
Applicable Organizations: Russian NGOs
Additional Information: The Canadian Government offers three grant opportunities for NGOs operating in Russia. The Gender Equality Fund supports projects for Russian Women's NGOs that promote capacity building, transfer of knowledge about gender issues, support for women's networks and coalitions, and awareness campaigns in Russia. The Canada Fund supports grassroots projects that require relatively small amounts of funding and promote sustainability and self-reliance.The Civil Society Fund provides support for NGO initiatives that support capacity building, network and coalition building, information technology support, and other forms of NGO sector development activity.

Note: The Canada Fund and the Gender Equality Fund do not offer specific application information on their pages, but the site offeres contact information for inquiries. The Civil Society Fund does offer such information.
Languages:English, French, and Russian

Dutch Foreign Ministry, Development Cooperation Agency
Applicable Region: In 2003, the following CEE/FSU countries earned aid: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine.
Additional Information: The Dutch Foreign Ministry provides grants for NGO work relating to gender equality, as long as it fits the Dutch development goals of poverty reduction, human rights, peacebuilding and good governance. The application requires ties with the private or public sector in the Netherlands. A grant application is available online.
Languages: English and Dutch

Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Applicable Region: CEE/FSU, Murmansk, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad, St Petersburg in Russia, and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Additional Information: The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers two types of funding for CEE/FSU NGOs. First, NGOs that promote goals that parallel the Finnish Development Policy (including gender equality) can apply for support through the Finnish International Non-Governmental (INGO) fund, which lists specific requirements on its website. Second, while there is no website information, NGOs operating in neighboring regions (Murmansk, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad, St Petersburg in Russia, andEstonia, Latvia and Lithuania) can contact the Unit for Neighbouring Area Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (PO Box 176, 00161 Helsinki, Finland) for information about Finnish assistance.
Languages: English and Finnish

Applicable Region: All
Additional Information: USAID offers support to non-American NGOs. Applicants are told to contact the USAID mission office in their home country for regional grant opportunities. Applicants can also participate in the NGO Strengthening Program, which pairs US private voluntary organizations with several indigenous nonprofit organizations, in order to strenghthen the nonprofit sector in individual countries.
Languages: English

Fee-based Funding Services
Grantmakers for Effective Organizaions
Alliance for Nonprofit Management
Welcome Europe
The Foundation Center

Funding Databases and Guides
Allavida, Links to Donors and Support Organizations

BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development)
Friends & Parterns, Funding Sources,mozilla,pc,english,,new)
Fundsnetservices, Women Grants and Resources, Tools for Nonprofits, Grant-Makers List
Sluzhenye, Funding Opportunities

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